Our Weekly Program
Youth Program Cincinnati, OH
Youth Program Cincinnati, OH
Healthy Visions offers Weekly in-school, Positive Youth Development (PYD) Programming. Our weekly PYD programs are delivered by our Healthy Visions’ Youth-Serving Professionals for up to 15 weeks. The format allows them to identify the social-emotional needs and concerns of the students, and work within the ever-evolving cultural circumstances that exist in the classroom. Healthy Visions’ Youth-Serving Professionals provide participants with comprehensive social-emotional education, where each participant will receive lessons from the same evidence-based social-emotional curriculum.
Healthy Visions Youth-Serving Professionals can be identified as what researchers consider a “positive protective factor” for students: a positive role model and an in-school advocate that helps students to navigate positively through difficult situations, with the ability to follow up and encourage continued positive decision-making. This makes the weekly program especially useful if a school is interested in providing more in-depth social-emotional education to a specific group of youth within the student body who are particularly at-risk for engaging in risky teenage behavior. Through consistency and engaging lessons, this PYD program empowers students to make dramatic behavioral changes. Our weekly programming offers stability that positively impacts students. We have found that this inspires participating youth to drive towards more positive decision-making that will ultimately lead to a healthier future.
If you are interested in becoming a select school that hosts the Healthy Visions Weekly PYD Program, we would love to sit down with you and discuss if it is a good fit for your school! Please reach out to us at (scheduling@healthyvisions.org), and we can see what our weekly program can do for your school!